

The Catalan Association of Friends of Israel (ACAI) strongly condemns the recognition that the Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez approved at the Council of Ministers and without a proper Parliament debate regarding the non-existent state of Palestine.

The unilateral  way of proceeding, without democratic consensus and without even considering the Israeli side, shows that this maneuver has been done disregarding Israel despite the official statements saying  the opposite. How else can it be understood that Vice President Yolanda Díaz speaks explicitly of "liberating Palestine from the river to the sea" which, as everyone knows, is nothing but an euphemism for the extermination of the Jewish population? In addition, other members of the parties that support the Spanish government are advocating for a total break in relations with the state of Israel. Not only a diplomatic rupture but also commercial, cultural and of all areas.

This decision must be explained in terms of internal politics, since the stability of his government depends on the support of a small, openly anti-Zionist party. Also, there is the calculation of Mr. Sánchez to mobilize his supporters facing the next European elections. Using a highly complex conflict for his personal political agenda is extremely frivolous. Recognizing Palestine within the current context is perceived as a reward for the events of October 7th, both in Israel and by Hamas, Iran and similar regimes and organizations, which are incompatible with peace.

Thus, the decision of the Spanish government implies there is a reward for the most uncompromising sectors of the Arab movement in Palestine,  since they understand that the path of terror  obtains international legitimacy.

The insistence on the "two-state" solution detailing only Arab demands without taking into account Israeli needs reveals, at best, a deep ignorance of the situation. And since this possibility should be ruled out in a government that dares to take a step in this direction, the plausibility of enormous irresponsibility or even the re-emergence of the historical anti-Semitic drive that is at the base of the Spanish national construction, a penultimate manifestation of which was the belated recognition (imposed by the need of Spain to be admitted to the European Community) of the State of Israel.

Added to this, is the way in which the media, public and private, "informt" about the situation and the conflict. To give just a few examples: Accepting without a any nuance or contrast the storytelling issued by Hamas (the number of victims, the qualification of all of them as civilian victims,...); Hiding the facy thatof the civilian population is used as to human shields ofn military targets;, Hushing up the findings of complex infrastructures used to attack Israel , (very expensive,  and with no interest by any journalist in knowing how they are funded );Describing the conflict as "genocide" and so, trivializing the meaning and actual genocides;, Almost lamenting that rocket attacks from Gaza do no harm Israel  because of the Iron Dome, saying almost nothing about the hundreds of thousands of displaced Israelis (Arabs and Jews) who are in the north of Israel due to the attacks coming from Lebanon,....not to mention how the first cause of the conflict has been "obliviated", this is, the break of the ceasefire  by Hamas with the attack on the Israeli population with mass murder in the midst of unspeakable atrocities and the kidnapped hostages that no one seems to remember.

It is clear that these misrepresentations have an impact on public opinion and create an unfavorable current of opinion against Israel.

We can hardly believe that the whole issue does not imply an anti-Semitic bias.

We are not requestingo  from the media to have one point of view or another, We would simply be satisfied with honest  and contrasting report, expecting journalists to do their job, in fact.

We also deplore the Catalan Government's adherence to the Spanish goverment in this conflict wasting the good longlasting relationships that Catalanonians have always had with the people of Israel. It is compulsory and urgent for the government of our country to have its own agenda, state vision and to act accordingly.
